Friday, February 20, 2015

[EF] #7 The Picture I Choose to Share

I see happiness in their faces. I see freedom.
Look at them smiling. That is priceless.
Sweet, like a flower starting to bloom.
Look at that the friendship they are starting to build.
Holding hands each other, then laughing over anything random.
Spreading out happiness.

This is not a poetry. This is not a poem.
I just find it simple and hard at the same time to describe the picture.
Still, I choose it to share.

This photo was taken in Pekanbaru, 23rd of December 2013  

Monday, February 16, 2015

[EF] #6 Alter Ego

When the words "alter ego" come to my mind, I can't help but think of Beyonce's "Sasha Fierce". Perhaps because I was a fan of her and I really like her 3rd studio album I Am... Sasha Fierce. But 5 years after the introduction of Sasha fierce, Beyonce announced that she is dead and there was a new alter ego born named YONCE. Proof that somebody might have more than just one alter ego, I think. Okay, forget about Sasha Fierce or YONCE. I am supposed to talk about my own alter ego here.

Well, without looking for the definition of alter ego in a dictionary, in my very basic comprehension, it is someone's other personality that people rarely knows about. Unless you are a famous person and you want to publish it like Beyonce does. It is like Clark Kent and Superman, or Peter Parker and Spiderman. Or.... Let's find other examples of alter ego besides those of the Superheroes. Too mainstream. *thinking thinking* Is it like Miley Cyrus - Hannah Montana style and Miley Cyrus that we see today? Does that count as an alter ego? Or... I know! Do you remember that very poor side of Professor Dumbledore who was wishing for a new pair of socks for his Christmast presents? For someone who is very famous and wise and powerful like him, wishing for a new pair of socks as a present somehow shows his loneliness besides all those popularity and appreciations he has got. The weak and pitiful side of him.

I have spent several days thinking about this alter ego of mine (since the topic for week #6 published), but nothing comes out to my mind. What is my alter ego? What is that other side of me that people does not know? Or is it buried too deep down there in my heart that even I myself do not know about it? I don't know.  Should I create one? And give her a name and decorate her the way I want my wildest side to be? Sounds interesting. I'll update this post once I find it for sure. ;)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

[EF] #4 Doraemon Magic Tools

I apologize for not being able to join the group chat in BEC Learning Group nor in the Chitchat Group during this last 3 weeks. I also missed the second and the third challenge because I did not have enough time to write or do any blog walking. But this fourth challenge, I cannot afford to miss it since it is about Doraemon and you know how much I love Doraemon. (You don't? Well, fine then.)

So, talking about Doraemon's magic tool, if I am only allowed to pick one, I would choose the magical pocket itself so that I can grab any tools that I want. It's like asking a genie who would only grant one wish for you and for that one wish, you wish that he would grant you 100 more wishes. Choosing only 1 from hundreds of those science fiction-ed tools is impossible for me. I am too greedy. *grin* But I would list my TOP 3.

First, I want that Anywhere Door the most of course, because I really want to visit so many places in the future. Instead of visiting foreign countries, I'd like to explore more about the beauty of Indonesia. We know that Indonesia is a beautiful country, but most places are still virgin or unreachable. Not that it is really unreachable, but mostly they are not tourism spot because there are no transportation or any other accommodations for tourists making it hard to visit. Well, if I have this Anywhere Door, it would be so useful for me to visit any places I want without worrying about the transportation.

The second on the list would be the Jelly Translator!  Well, I think I am so gonna need this in order to talk to Michan. Michan is my only friend who knows everything about me (I told her everything of course) but it seems like she doesn't care  at all because she could not answer or console me when I have problems. She is a cat. Of course she doesn't talk. But it would be so lovely if she could talk. Or should I not give her that Jelly Translator at all? Just in case she tells me to stop complaining instead of consoling me everytime I come to her for an advice. Lol.

And last but not least, I want that machine which takes the form of public phone. I don't know the name. You only need to make a phone call and anything you say, anything you want, anything you demand, would be the rule in the real world. Well, it would be fun if I have that machine and demand that "chubby is the new sexy". No more diet. Everybody may eat everything they want without worrying about their weight. What a useful machine for me and so many other fat people *evil laugh*

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Liburan Kali Ini: #2 Le Sudden Getaway to Alam Mayang

Hari Minggu kemaren out of nowhere si Mami ngajakin jalan-jalan ke Alam Mayang. Kayanya sih sebagai penebus dosa karena gak bisa ajakin kami keluar kota tahun ini sedangkan kami minta izin keluar kota jalan-jalan sama temen gak dibolehin. Jadi ya supaya anak-anaknya gak ngambek-ngambek banget, diajakinlah ke sini. Sebenernya saya dan Nita emoh dibawa ke sini, tapi daripada enggak sama sekali, akhirnya kita oke juga buat pergi (walau ogah-ogahan).

Terakhir sekali saya menginjakkan kaki ke Alam Mayang itu sudah lama sekali. Awal tahun 2009 kalo tidak salah. Dan sorry to say waktu itu sama sekali gak ada yang mengesankan menurut saya. Yang bisa saya ingat dari Alam Mayang hanyalah hutannya yang kotor dan bebek-bebekan di kolam yang musti kita kayuh sendiri. Itu saja. Dan semenjak itu, kalo ada yang ngajakin piknik ke Alam Mayang lagi, saya menolak.

Pagi itu pukul 10, setelah ide buat ke Alam Mayang dilontarkan dan disepakati, kami langsung mandi dan siap-siap, lalu cuss berangkat tanpa bekal apapun (kalo mau piknik ya biasanya kan bawa rantangan dari rumah gitu). Kadung males, ibu-ibunya gak ada yang mau masak, Mami memutuskan untuk beli nasi bungkus saja. Sekalian beli jajanan dan buah-buahan karena kalo jajan di dalam Alam Mayang nanti harganya sudah dapat diperkirakan akan lebih mahal dari harga pasaran. 

Nyaris satu jam perjalanan dari Panam menuju Alam Mayang, kami tiba di sana pukul 11.30. Perut udah keroncongan karena tadi sarapan seadanya. Gelar tikar, langsung lanjut makan siang pake nasi bungkus yang tadi dibeli di rumah makan pinggir jalan. Somehow seru juga makan gelaran tikar di alam terbuka seperti itu. Mana lagi musim liburan dan weekend pula, jadinya hari itu Alam Mayang rame sekali. Kiri kanan kita semuanya lagi seru makan gelaran tikar. Sampe bawa-bawa termos nasi yang segede-gede gaban itu segala. Kebayang kalo di manga-manga, orang-orang Jepang merayakan musim semi dengan melihat bunga sakura dan piknik di taman. Imajinasi saya ya seperti itu,  minus bunga sakuranya saja. 

Selesai makan kita langsung lanjut sholat Dzuhur. Alhamdulillah di dalam tersedia fasilitas musholla dan toilet yang sekarang menurut saya sangat bersih. Walaupun untuk setiap kali pengunaan toiletnya kita akan di charge 2000 rupiah, bagi saya gak masalah, karena urusan sanitasi ini kan penting dan private sekali. 

Selesai sholat Dzuhur, saya lanjut jalan kaki ngiterin Alam Mayang sendirian. Ibu-ibu lebih memilih buat ngobrol di bawah pohon sambil makan kacang. Papa belum balik dari mushola, Akil memilih untuk tidur siang, sedangkan Nita, jangan harap dia akan membiarkan wajahnya terkena sinar matahari sedikit saja. That city slicker, gak seru banget kalo diajak berpetualang. Dia lebih memilih duduk-duduk cantik saja di bawah pohon sambil kipas-kipasan. ~_~ 

Lima tahun tidak ke sini, Alam Mayang gak seperti yang saya ingat sebelumnya. View kolamnya sekarang bersih dan lumayan bagus, hutan-hutannya hijau dan bersih, dan ada penambahan fasilitas dan arena bermain anak. Si bebek pedal masih ada tentu saja, selain itu ada juga tambahan bola air dan boat di wahana air nya (tiket 20,000 sudah termasuk life jacket). Ada kereta-keretaan yang bisa kita tumpangi untuk berkeliling Alam Mayang (tiket: 10,000), ada sarana outbond dan flying fox (tiket: 25,000), arena ATV (tiket: 35,000/10 menit), arena buat main scooter (tiket 10,000) , dan ada zona wisata budaya juga. Kebetulan yang lagi nampil kemaren itu Reog dan Kuda Lumping. Selain itu juga ada wahana bianglala (gak sempat liat harga tiketnya, cuma liat di kejauhan), taman bermain anak (lengkap dengan miniatur hewan-hewan, ayunan, slide/luncuran, seesaw, dan area bermain pasir), ada bazar buku dan souvenir oleh-oleh segala.  Lumayan buat saya yang tidak berekspektasi apa apa sebelumnya.

Misi, numpang selfie~

Pose dengan si Akil

Pengen nyobain ini, apa daya berat badan melebihi limit :(

Ngayuh bebek males

Yowes nyobain ini aja jadinya

Narsis dimana-mana

"Ngapain lo foto-foto di depan gue?" - The Angry Statue

Di aula nya lagi ada kontes binaraga :))))

Well, Pekanbaru bukanlah kota yang terkenal sebagai daerah wisata ataupun keindahan alamnya. Tapi jempol deh buat pemerintah daerah karena sekarang wisata lokal nya sudah lebih rapi dan terkelola. Saya jadi penasaran, apa kabar Danau Buatan atau Kebun Binatang Kasang Kulim ya? Apa sudah lebih baik juga?